2023 ADE Festival Personal Highligths
2023 ADE Festival Personal Highligths
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12 Lessons I Learnt In the Past 12 Months
I celebrated my birthday past weekend and wanted to use this moment to reflect on how the year has been. Here is a list of twelve lessons the year taught me. Admittedly, I am not the best student so I have to keep relearning them as I go, therfore writing them down. Couple of them should be usefu...
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Collaborative Platforms for Synthetic Biology
In this post I give rundown of some key points I distilled from OECD study "Collaborative platforms for emerging technology: Creating convergence spaces" that appeared last year in the series "OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers". The study aims to support policy makers and innova...
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Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Series on Synthetic Biology
It's Biodiversity Day on May 22nd and The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has published Technical Series note (No. 100) on Synthetic Biology focusing mainly on its governance and impact on different stakeholders which I summarize in this post. Read on to find out more!
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How I Became Conversational in Dutch in Less Than Six Months and Without an Instructor
"How did you learn Dutch so well and so quick?" I get this question often. I am in the few percent of expats who can hold fluent conversation and I got to this point in seemingly no time. And while my Dutch is by no means perfect, it gets the job done. ere I will describe how I become fluent in u...
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Geometric principles underlying the proliferation of a model cell system
I have joined preLights and now will be highlighting a new exciting preprint now and then! For my first article, I have chosen a Bioarxiv paper by Wu et al. where they study cell-wall compromised bacteria and show that chromosome positioning and segregation is controlled by their geometry.
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Installing LabVIEW on Debian Linux
I am no fan of LabVIEW for multiple reasons, but the truth is, it is hard to replace when it comes to instrument control. Installing it on a Debian machine (e.g. Ubuntu) is possible despite not being officially supported by National Instruments. Here is how to do it.
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CharIoTeer, Smart Last-Mile Delivery Project @MakeZurich
In this post, I will tell you about an IoT device me and my team prototyped at MakeZurich week-long Makerdays. Keep reading if you are a maker, IoT enthusiast or a person interested in using IoT principles in a real world scenario.
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Reinforcement Learning, Teaching AI to Play
In this post, I will demonstrate and explain reinforcement learning code I developed. You will learn how one can train an AI agent to master Atari games and understand the technology behind DeepMind's AlphaGo, the first computer program to defeat professional human Go player.
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Using Deep Learning Libraries to Solve Stochastic Differential Equations
Most of you have heard about many of the deep learning libraries out there including TensorFlow, Theano, Keras and PyTorch. They facilitate building of layered and potentially complex neural network models for areas as diverse as automatic image captioning, speech recognition, and drug design. In...
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